So we left Menlo Park at 10:30, got the final oil change and one bulb replacement for the Jeep at Jiffy Lube, then practiced driving around the 111 Alma Street DMV office in San Jose for the next 3 hours in the sweltering heat (with no air conditioning).
By the time of the test, Nick had a headache, and we'd heard so many stories about how tough that particular DMV office's examiners are. The fellow at Wendy's on the corner said he and everyone he knew went to Santa Clara for the test. We waited nervously in the car line-up and observed the faces of the drivers getting out of their cars in the reserved spots after their tests.
"That's the last time I ask her a question!" one girl screamed at her father. Nick and I extrapolated what happened during the tests; did the girl ask whether she could do something and then fail because it was a test? We read advice online, "Be friendly and polite to the examiner." We waited and waited, inching our car forward for over an hour. We were prepared for the worst, but he PASSED! Woo hoo!
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