Sunday, April 4, 2010

Warner Brothers VIP Tour

Our first full day in LA, we enjoyed the Warner Brothers VIP tour of the studios--five other people in the tram and us. Our guide, Freddy, did a great job giving us a feel for what it is really like to film and tape on the studio grounds. Amazing how they can use one street and dress it up for all different movies--like the one of NY used for Spiderman.

I thought the sound studio for "2 1/2 Men" was the neatest, with its rooms all next to each other, and interesting to hear how the live audience is used to track reactions--if a joke falls flat, the writers are sitting right there in the audience and have to rewrite it; the actors then have to rememorize and do a Take Two or Three.... The boys enjoyed seeing the cars that have been used for various Batman's tumbler. Was a great tour to give us a feel for how studios do what they do, not the amusement park feel of Universal Studies.

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