Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Easter!

After our fun at Universal Studies, we pulled ourselves away from LA and drove the scenic 101 back up the coast. We passed the time listening to Madeleine L'Engle read "A Wrinkle in Time"; towards the end, Patrick fed me hot tomales every 10 minutes to keep me awake.

We were looking forward to our Easter pizza get-together with Mary, Mark, Bennett, Tiffany, and their families, and to sharing all our spring break experiences. We even had Sam's chocolate-chip banana muffin party to celebrate because he had stayed in his bed until 6 a.m. for seven days straight.

The older cousins hid colored plastic eggs in Aaron's room. After much searching (uh, eggs on top of door frames are not that easy for three-year-olds to see or reach!), the eggs were all found. Was cute to see all the cousins, ages 1-16 hanging out, listening to music on the floor...and throwing stuffed animals.

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