Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chancellor Merkel is coming!

Can't believe Chancellor Merkel is coming to Stanford, and I'll get to hear her speak (thanks, Mary!). I liked Chancellor Merkel from the day I heard her bio--from East Germany, Ph.D. in physics (thesis on quantum chemistry)--and saw her personality--no-nonsense, unassuming, fact-oriented.

Her talk on campus will be on the roles science and technology play in solving global challenges. She is in town to dedicate Stanford's Volkswagen Automative Innovativation Lab. I was worried that with the tragic death of the Polish president Lech Kaczynski, she'd have to cancel, so was relieved to hear that the German news announced she'd be on a 4-day trip to the U.S., starting with the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington.

Now I see Obama will be leaving D.C. Saturday night for the services in Poland; I'm glad they waited, so everyone could be there!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you. I am also impressed by Chancellor Merkel. You should ask her how it was to get a massage from President Bush. Ha! Have fun - should be interesting. I am also just still in shock of how the plane of the Polish president went down. Just really, really eerie.
